Great Divide

August 3, 2019 — Sept 3, 2019

I spent a month hiking on and around the Great Divide Trail in Canada’s Rocky Mountains. My original goal had been to complete a southbound thru-hike, beginning at Mt. Robson, but my plan did not, erhm, “go to plan”. The landscape was rugged, the rivers were wide, fast flowing, and cold as ice, and, at least up north, the “trail” was just a route.

I dream of going back to Canada and hiking this trail straight through. One day…

Instead of completing a thru-hike, I backpacked a random assortment of roughly 300 miles which included Kootney’s Rockwall Trail, the Lake O’Hara Alpine Circuit, the Kiwetinok Route, Yoho National Park’s Ice Line Trail, the trail through Mt. Robson Provincial Park all the way to the Smokey River & back, the Moose River Route & back—there was a lot of “and back”—and I even went sky diving in Golden, BC.